Monday, November 14, 2011

Blogger Login

Blogger is the free blogging website owned by the Google Inc. Users can enjoy the website for creating blogs for free. One user can create upto 100 blogs for free. Blogs can be managed / updated by the users and if they have significant number of visitors everyday then they can also earn revenue from them. Bloggers can also use various advertising codes from various media advertising companies to increase their earning online which are compatible to Google / Blog.

Those who are having their account on can sign up / Sign in for Once you have logged into the website then you can create upto 100 blogs. Your blogs will be hosted as subdomain on the domain which is also owned by the Google Inc.

Main services by the website which are very useful to the users are various templates, make money with adsense, stats update etc. You can customize your blogs or you can redirect your blogs on custom blogs. There are many websites around the world which are using the blogger through their custom domains and attracting thousands of users everyday.

If you have already created an account and using the services then move to Blogger login page otherwise you should create an account on Blogger / Google for starting a blog here.

Sign in Page:

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Posted by Admin, Published at 9:56:00 AM and have 0 comments

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